tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2008

Estelle Malmön sosiaalifoorumissa

Estelle on saapunut Malmöön ja osallistuu siellä 17.-21.9. pidettävään Euroopan sosiaalifoorumiin. Estellen ohjelman löydät täältä.

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Estelle has arrived to Malmö an will participate in the European Social Forum 17-21 September. You will find Estelle's program here.

Program at Estelle in European Social Forum in Malmö

S/V Estelle, a Finnish sailing ship for solidarity exchange, is serving as one of the forums for the ESF. The ship will be docked in "Kajplats 31" in Västra hamnområdet, next to the City Archive (Stadsarkivet) on Isbergs gata 13.


Thursday 18.09.

14.00-17.00 Program by Fältbiologerna

Friday 19.09.

9.30-12.30 Indigenous struggles against mining industries.
Etnia ry and Democracy Forum Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Detailed info below.

14.00-20.00 Launch of the Swedish Fair Trade Network
Världsbutikerna för Rättvis Handel

20.15 --> Radical Sailors' Network
An open meeting of the newly established network for people interested in combining sailing and grass-roots political activism. More info on the network at www.radicalsailorsnetwork.org.

Saturday 20.09.

10.00-12.00 Tragedy of Transport
Olli Tammilehto prsents his new study on the ecological and social effects of the global freight. Uusi Tuuli ry and Democracy Forum Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Detailed info below.

Sunday 21.09.

10.00 --> Social Movements and Solidarity Exchange in Southern Mexico
Presentations and discussions on the social situation and social movements in Southern Mexico. Discussion on Estelle\'s planned solidarity sailing to Mexico. Screening of the film México Mágico about the autonomous/social struggles in Mexico. Radio Plantón, Café Libertad and Uusi Tuuli ry.